La Fair'Ma Part, Légumes de terroir


Julien et Ariane

Don avec contrepartie

Notre projet a fait ses premiers pas, Soutenez la croissance de Légumes (fleurs et fruits) Vivants sur la route des vins d'Alsace!!

Mittelbergheim, France



11 490 €

Projet financé !

Le 11 mai 2022

En soutenant ce projet, vous oeuvrez pour :

English version


La Fair'Ma Part is a small market garden, on the Alsace wine route.

We produce about thirty species of vegetables, many varieties among them, all chosen for their taste, their hardiness and we reproduce our seeds whenever possible. We also produce edible flowers, indeed, what is more beautiful than putting some of them on your plate?

It is also a project with an inclusive educational vocation, in conjunction with an adapted company for people with disabilities.The aim is to train and reintegrate people through working with the land while respecting the living world.

Julien and Ariane, a happy change, together


When we met, all of a sudden it made sense:

Producing quality food and accessible to all; contributing to protect the environment and the farmlands... And live happily!

It is undeniable that today more and more of us are sensitive to agro-ecological approaches, but also and above all to the search for local and healthy food. We measure this every day in our work.

It is a pleasure for us to be outside, to experience the seasons and grow food.

Julien is a landscape gardener by training, but he did not flourish there and life led him on other professional paths. He returned to agricultural studies in 2017 and has been working as a market gardener since then.

Ariane has lived abroad and worked in International Cooperation. She learns the job by  working, but also through her encounters and  through Julien's experience. She also learned about fruit growing as soon as she arrived and is still working part-time for a winegrower in the village, until she can make a living from market gardening.

We are also active in the associative and professional networks, for us this profession is all the richer when it is shared. Meeting, exchanging, training and communicating are all very important to us.


Living Soil, for Healthy People!

We work on principles we call Living Soil and Agroforestry: we do not use mechanical work to insure the structure of our soil, but favorize the living to do it. These values are really appreciated by our customers and have a direct impact on the protection of biodiversity, the taste and preservation of vegetables.

Because protecting biodiversity is also protecting our and your health, it is no longer to be proved, we are what we eat!

Here, everyone works together!

Earthworms, decomposing insects, fungi and micro-organisms, everyone has their place to give the best to our production: a rich and healthy food

A project in the Common


Our vegetables are alive, even in your baskets. And of course it doesn't happen by itself!

We make our own nurseries thanks to the support of the village horticulturist, where we have a space to start everything in good conditions! And we like to work and share with fellow farmers in the area as often as possible, we all have something to gain by working together!


And then this project is also you, who love the Good and the Beautiful and who support us and/or come to see us every week, giving us so much energy!

... Except at the moment...

This winter we were out of stock.

Due to the lack of a good installation, in the first year, we couldn't plan enough.

But all that will change!

New accommodation, new perspectives!


This winter, once again, we were lucky: we were able to settle down more comfortably, in the village, in a place where we can work properly.

We plan to find a solution to store our vegetables in good conditions for the end of the season!

The harvest of the baskets will always be made fresh for the same day, but thanks to the storage vegetables, we will be able to last the whole winter!

That is why we are launching this campaign, and we ask for your support to help us finance the investments necessary for better working conditions.

Step 1: A cold room to be installed

Last year we were lucky enough to find a place to live that will allow us to install a cold room. 

This will allow us to store vegetables for the next winter and thus maintain sales for longer.

A cold room will also allow us to keep an enclosed and clean space, and therefore good sanitary conditions for your vegetables.

 We estimate the price to be around 6,000 euros, but we know that we will certainly have additional costs for installation (electricity for example).

Step 2: Equipment to transform surplus production

We are trying to limit waste and to add value to our production.

To be able to process our vegetables and offer you quality products. We have several ideas, including drying certain vegetables and herbs and preparing lacto-fermented vegetables.

If you raise the counter of our pot to this second level, with 3000 euros, we will be able to buy a vegetable grater and a professional dryer. Then we'll be able to prepare some extra treats for you, and you'll be able to enjoy the stars of summer until winter!

Step 3: Equipment for our nurseries

We are in Alsace and produce all our plants ourselves, to be sure of their quality from the start: the choice of seeds, the soil, the management of their implantation in the fields are all arguments that are dear to us.

But making beautiful nurseries requires a bit of equipment. And to start early requires the ability to heat them.

With just one heating mat, we could start a little earlier and plant beautiful vegetables earlier in the season. Once in the garden, they are protected by sails, or grown in tunnels, to ensure their proper development.

So if you can make our goals go through the roof, the money will be invested in all our future baby vegetables!



Pour 10 euros ou plus

1 photo dédicacée

Photo unique d'un moment au jardin, dédicacée par les maraîchers



Choisie 2 fois

Pour 20 euros ou plus

Assortiment de graines de fleurs comestibles du jardin

Recevez une sélection de nos graines reproduites au jardin, et faites pousser chez vous de belles fleurs, douces à manger.



Choisie 22 fois

Pour 40 euros ou plus

Un Beau panier de légumes

Prenons contact, et nous vous offrirons votre panier à déguster sans modération!


À retirer sur place

Choisie 23 fois

Pour 75 euros ou plus

Un arbre!

Recevez un arbre fruitier, de variété locale, sélectionné en partenariat avec l'association des Arboriculteurs et Bouilleurs de Cru du Val de Villé.

Quantité restante



novembre 2022


À retirer sur place

Choisie 17 fois

Pour 100 euros ou plus

Visite du jardin et apéro sous les arbres

Valable pour une famille, venez passer un moment agréable au jardin, nous pourrons faire plus ample connaissance, vous montrer comment nous travaillons et aller plus loin sur tous les sujets qui vous intéressent Possible à partir de fin Août

Quantité restante


Choisie 17 fois

Pour 200 euros ou plus

Un Livre de Photographies de la saison

Recevez en format livre, un retour en images sur la saison au jardin



Choisie 1 fois

Pour 400 euros ou plus

Une nuit à la ferme, all included!

Venez visiter le jardin et profitez-en pour visiter le coin. Mittelbergheim est un merveilleux village, nous vous y accueillerons avec un immense plaisir. Restez manger et dormir à la maison, nous pourrons alors vraiment apprendre à nous connaître Valable pour 2 personnes, A partir de Septembre

Quantité restante


Choisie 5 fois

Don libre


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sur les réseaux sociaux @miimosa_fr pour continuer de soutenir le projet et son porteur.


Don avec contrepartie

Un local d’accueil pour la micro ferme du Bout du Monde

Sécurité et souveraineté alimentaire

Santé et bien-être


12 734 € collectés

Objectif 16 000 €


Michaël Dossin et Anaïse Dacremont

Spa, Belgique