Participez au développement de la Brasserie La Mandra !


Brasserie Artisanale des Hautes Corbières LA MANDRA

Don avec contrepartie

Pour rendre notre travail plus efficace et nos bouteilles plus belles encore, une étiqueteuse performante est nécessaire.

Soulatge, France



8 880 €

Projet financé !

Le 21 juin 2019


Our micro-brewery is located in Soulatgé, a small village in the Hautes Corbières.

It is in this green valley, where the Verdouble takes its source, that in 2016 our project was born, facing the mountains, with the challenge of being able to combine quality of life and work.

Since its creation, La Mandra (Vixen in Occitan) has been very successful locally thanks to its many outlets (20km round) and its bar open Wednesdays, market evenings at Soulatgé and Fridays.

It's first Jamie, a creative Jack of all trades. After careers as varied as real estate and ceramic sculpture it is finally the passion for beer that prevails. After a few years of amateur brewing, learning with his friend Will, master brewer in England, and tweaking recipes he launches La Mandra with a range of 5 beers (Blonde Fox, Season, IPA, Dark Owl, Dubbel). All finesse, subtlety and balance (like him), they immediately find their audience and continue to reach new followers. Jamie is a technician, perfectionist, eternally dissatisfied, he always tries to improve and recipes are constantly evolving towards the ideal of a perfect beer ...

Then there is Claire, Jamie's wife. Together, they imagined the spirit and design of the Mandra. Ceramist artist (, it is she who ensures the artistic creation around the brewery and organizes the cultural events of the exhibition space adjoining our bar. She is also the first judge of our brewing experiences, a job not easy easy ...

And finally Raphael, a baker by profession, arrived in the Corbières for the love of good bread, and it is the beer that will make him stay. After working for a couple of years at Les Maîtres de Mon Moulin in Cucugnan and the discovery of the importance of ancient cereals, sourdough fermentations, agroéology, and the most natural craftsmanship, an idea came to him. Why not apply this ethic to the making of beer. Because bread and beer are both fermented cereals ! Falling in love with La Mandra's IPA, it is after many exchanges and tastings of beer that a friendship was born with Jamie and the desire to join forces for a common project.

The activity of the brewery has increased vigorously since its creation until today reaching its maximum capacity. The lack of space and equipment prevents us from increasing the capacity and the diversity of the products and from working in good conditions in order to perpetuate the activity.

So we are currently in the transitional phase to a bigger brewery that remains human in scale.

The objective of the project is to increase the quantity, quality and diversity of products to meet the local and tourist demand and to participate in the attractivity of the territory by being part of a co-development dynamic with the producers and actors of the local economy.

To carry out this project we are planning the installation of the new brewery in a larger building capable of accommodating new equipment that is more productive, efficient and economical in both labour and energy.

The focus will be on the origin of raw materials (organic and regional malts, organic hops when available from suppliers, creation of hops at local producers).

We love our environment and the people who live and work like us to boost our territory. In a spirit of circular and collaborative economy we work with other actors in the local economy.


We are developing a new range of local beers unique to our environment brewed from plants and fruits of the Corbières and fermented by wild yeasts.

The spent grain from brewing is distributed as a food supplement to animals to neighboring farms.

Making beer in a wine country is good ! Collaborations with our winemaker friends promise interesting results... 

Since the beginning of the year, we have been collecting unsold products from Cucugnan's bakery, which we are reusing for the production of an old wheat variety bread beer. We can also develop special beers from the rare wheats of the Maitres de Mon Moulin.

We are fortunate to have an exhibition space adjacent to our bar. We like to host the work of local artists and organize cultural evenings.

And since the begining of this year, most of our beers are certified ORGANIC.

Mandra gets a new look !


In addition to changing all the brewing equipment we will also be changing the format of our bottle and review all our labels to make them even more beautiful than before !

The increase of our production and organic certification will, open new markets (Organic coops, Farmer shops) for which a bar code and a batch number are necessary.

We therefore want to invest in a new semi-automatic label printer with printing option that will allow us to make the labeling stage a little less laborious.

Europe and the Occitan Region support us in part for the many and costly investments we have to make but we also want to involve you as we would like to make you feel involved.

The best way to support us is of course to come and see us and buy our products, but for those who would like to do more and receive our eternal gratitude then the crowdfunding campaign is the solution !

Your participation will allow the purchase of:

- The semi-automatic labeler that will allow us to apply 15 labels per minute, or 900 per hour, or 21,600 per day, or 648,000 per month, or 7,776,000 per year. Well, we will not go that far! For a budget of € 3,535.

- The HSA encoder that will allow us to enter the batch numbers directly on the label without having to manipulate the bottle again to stick a disgraceful label on the back: € 2, 390.

- Two cartridges for the coder because otherwise, it is useless: € 213.

For those who still prefer paper to computer codes it is possible to send your cheques to the following address :

La Mandra

1 rue Saint Joseph

11330 Soulatgé

We will add the donations to the campaign prize pool, and you will receive the same rewards as on MiiMOSA.

If you wish to pay in British Pounds, you can create your own personal account on MiiMOSA and add money to your wallet via bank transfer and then contribute to our project.


A Huge Thank you for your support !


Pour 10 euros ou plus

Deux pressions 25cl au bar La Mandra !

Merci à vous ! Venez déguster notre bière directement à la source ! Un bisou en prime ! Thank you ! Two draught 25cl beers at Bar La Mandra ! Come and enjoy our beer directly at the source ! A kiss as a bonus !


mai 2019


À retirer sur place

Choisie 2 fois

Pour 20 euros ou plus

Deux bouteilles de 75cl ou 2 pintes au bar !

Merci beaucoup ! Deux bouteilles de 75cl de votre choix selon le stock disponible ou 2 pintes servies à la source. Thank you so much ! Two bottles of 75cl of your choice depending on the stock available or 2 pints served at the source.


juin 2019


À retirer sur place

Choisie 12 fois

Pour 50 euros ou plus

Six bouteilles de 75cl !

Un grand merci ! Venez récupérez six bouteilles de 75cl au choix selon le stock disponible. A big thank-you ! Come get six bottles of 75cl to choose according to available stock.


septembre 2019


À retirer sur place

Choisie 13 fois

Pour 100 euros ou plus

Une illustration encadrée et un carton de 6 bouteilles 75cl

Un très très grand merci ! Notre amie Anna Rubio ( vous a préparé une illustration 40x50cm aux couleurs de La Mandra pour aller avec vos bouteilles de bière préférées. A very big thank you! Box of six 75 cl bottles and our friend Anna Rubio ( has prepared a 40x50cm illustration in the colors of La Mandra to go with your favorite beer bottles.

Quantité restante



juin 2019


À retirer sur place

Choisie 9 fois

Pour 150 euros ou plus

Un coffret collector avec deux verres à bière en céramique et 6 bouteilles !

Un immense merci ! Deux verres à bière en céramique estampillés La Mandra (EDITION LIMITÉE) designés par nos amis artistes céramistes Benjamin Castellano et Otto Lindner et 6 bouteilles de notre gamme. A huge thank you ! Two stamped ceramic beer glasses La Mandra (LIMITED EDITION) designed by our ceramic artist friends Benjamin Castellano and Otto Lindner and 6 bottles of our range.

Quantité restante



septembre 2019


À retirer sur place

Choisie 3 fois

Pour 200 euros ou plus

Un fût de 30 litres et le prêt d'une tireuse

Un immense merci ! Célébrez votre don à La Mandra en invitant vos amis à la maison pour descendre un fût ! Nous vous prêterons une tireuse et des verres pour l'occasion. A huge thank you! Celebrate your gift at La Mandra by inviting your friends home to help with a keg ! We will lend you a beer pump and glasses for the occasion.


septembre 2019


À retirer sur place

Pour 250 euros ou plus

Invitation à une journée des contributeurs avec dégustation, repas et autres bonus.

Un immense merci ! Nous vous invitons à passer la journée à la brasserie en notre compagnie. Vous découvrirez le fonctionnement d'une brasserie artisanale dans la bonne humeur et nous vous ferons goûter nos produits et ceux de nos amis producteurs autour d'un repas champêtre. Vous repartirez avec un carton de vos bières préférées. A huge thank you ! We invite you to spend the day at the brewery with us. You will discover the functioning of a brewery and you will be able taste our products and those of our producer friends around a country meal. You will leave with a box of your favorite beers.

Quantité restante



septembre 2019


À retirer sur place

Choisie 3 fois

Pour 450 euros ou plus

Invitation à une journée des contributeurs avec dégustation et repas champêtre, 6 verres à bière céramique collector et un carton de 6 bouteilles de 75cl !

Mille mercis ! Contrepartie précédente + Vous repartirez avec un coffret collector avec une illustration de Anna Rubio aux couleurs de La Mandra, de 6 verres à bière estampillés La Mandra (EDITION LIMITÉE) designés par nos amis artistes céramistes Benjamin Castellano et Otto Lindner et 6 bouteilles de notre gamme. Many thanks ! Previous compensation + You will leave with a collector's box with an illustration of Anna Rubio in the colors of La Mandra, 6 La Mandra stamped beer glasses (LIMITED EDITION) designed by our ceramic artist friends Benjamin Castellano and Otto Lindner and 6 bottles of our range.

Quantité restante



septembre 2019


À retirer sur place

Choisie 1 fois

Pour 1 000 euros ou plus

Un gros câlin !

Des mercis ne suffisent plus, on vous donne des câlins. Thanks won't be enough...... you'll get a big hug !


mai 2019


À retirer sur place

Choisie 3 fois

Don libre


Sélectionnez un projet

en fonction de la thématique, de sa localisation ou des contreparties.


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et ajustez si vous le souhaitez le montant de votre contribution.


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ou profitez des séjours et expériences que vous avez choisis.


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sur les réseaux sociaux @miimosa_fr pour continuer de soutenir le projet et son porteur.


Don avec contrepartie

Un local d’accueil pour la micro ferme du Bout du Monde

Sécurité et souveraineté alimentaire

Santé et bien-être


9954 € collectés

Objectif 12 540 €


Michaël Dossin et Anaïse Dacremont

Spa, Belgique