Dame-Jeanne : des plantes qui prendront soin de vous !
Don avec contrepartie
Accompagnez le lancement d'une productrice de plantes aromatiques en Drôme provençale.
Bourdeaux, France
3 820 €
Projet financé !
Le 25 décembre 2019
Support the launch for a producer of aromatic plants
The story
2015: We decide as a family to move away from our life in Brussels so I decided to end my job as a “stage manager”. Before I left and in order to prepare myself for this transition, I completed a course as an environmental adviser.
2016: A year later, we got the opportunity to move to the Drôme. I discovered a Region full of beautiful aromatic plants and develop a passion for their virtues.
2017: I begin a training in botany and wild harvested plants, followed by a training on their relevant processing and production techniques. During this time i am also applying myself with practical training through internships.
2019: Well settled in our new Region and happy to live surrounded by the mountains, I am now ready to start my new career as a producer of aromatic and medicinal plants.
Juillet 2019: With a fantastic opportunity on an offer for a piece of agricultural land, my project is beginning to see the light of day.
Dame-Jeanne, what is it ?
I am planning on organically cultivating a land of 6000m², the land has already been certified organic. I will be working with local farmers to prepare the plots using a tractor. The cultivation and grassing down will be done manually, at no point will plant protection products be employed. I am also planning on developing animal power for the long term.
My production will be certified by an ethical and organic label.
In this big garden will grow mint, ‘wild blueberries’, roses, verbena, sage, rosemary, bay leaf and many more !
Harvesting / Picking
The harvest of crops and wild plants will be done by hand (above is picking of wild lavender and thyme).
Picking wild blueberries and Damas roses, crops will be planted at the start of spring.
All these plants will be processed and distilled to become essential oils, flower water, soft herbal teas, massage oils and soaps.
I will sell my products in France and abroad in specialized herbal shops, cooperatives and a few selected markets. Once my online boutique is operational in late 2020, focus will shift to this sales channel.
We are putting in place a community of several local producers willing to share equipment, techniques and knowledge which makes this project even more rewarding.
This collaboration is a tremendous opportunity to benefit from group cooperation and will allow us to share equipment, for example the ever important still for distilling plants, and also professional advice.
Here are the lands to be cultivated
Supporting ‘Dame-Jeanne’ is taking care of the plants that will take care of us but it is also supporting:
Sustainable farming projects on a small scale
The development of a local rural economy
Sharing these natural resources and passing on forgotten knowledge.
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you !!
To be able to launch ‘Dame-Jeanne’ I really need your help. My financial forecast is showing a 50,000€ investment. I am aiming to collect 11,000€ through crowdfunding. It will allow me to invest in the first essential equipment to start cultivating and processing (see details below).
For the remaining, I will request a loan and also request public subsidies from the Region (Rhone Alpes Region is very supportive to develop organic farming projects)
First step: The foundations
This funding will finance the equipment up to 6,000€, detail below:
Irrigation system: 2,000€
Plants and seeds: 1,000€
Equipment maintenance: 2,000€
Lab equipment (scale, beaker, thermometer, stainless steel vats, iron drums, storage container): 1,000€
2nd step: Processing lab installation
Finance the workspace up to 3,500€, detail below:
Installation: insulation, shelving and workbench, done by ourselves: 1500€
Part of the plants dryer: 2,000€
3rd step: Communicate
Last step is necessary for commercialisation, finance up to 1,500€, detail below:
Creation of logo, packaging, labels, bottling: 1,500€
And Miimosa : 700€
4th step: Modernising the project
Investments up to 39,000€, detail below:
Website: 6,000€
Outdoor storage: 3,000€
Van to be able to exhibit in markets, trade fairs: 10,000€ (second hand)
A distillation space with a 600L still bought in commun: 10,000€
Mini tractor: 10,000€ (second hand)
The above investments will happen as the business grows
And special thank you to all of those who are supporting me and without whom I would not have done so much as of today: Pauline from the ADEAR, Renaud ‘le sens de nos vallées’, Jeanne, Annie, my partner Phil, family and friends.
For those who prefer paper, you can also send me your donation via cheque by contacting me at chlo.meurisse@gmail.com
You can also find me on Instagram: dame_jeanne_
Pour 10 euros ou plus
Merci de votre soutien!
Je vous enverrai une carte de remerciement personalisée.
Choisie 4 fois
Pour 25 euros ou plus
Whaou ! Merci de votre soutien !
Vous recevrez une carte et la tisane de dame-jeanne.
septembre 2020
Choisie 16 fois
Pour 50 euros ou plus
Un énorme Merci pour votre soutien !
En remerciement vous recevrez une carte, deux tisanes et un flacon d'eau florale.
septembre 2020
Choisie 9 fois
Pour 75 euros ou plus
Un Gigantesque Merci pour votre soutien !
Vous recevrez une carte, 2 tisanes, 1 eau florale, 1 huile de massage et 1 flacon d'huile essentielle.
septembre 2020
Choisie 5 fois
Pour 100 euros ou plus
Merveilleux ! Merci pour votre soutien !
En remerciement vous recevrez une carte , deux tisanes, une eau florale, une huile de massage, un flacon d'huile essentielle et le savon saponification à froid de dame-jeanne.
septembre 2020
Choisie 11 fois
Pour 200 euros ou plus
Merci pour votre participation! En remerciement vous recevrez une carte et "le coffret original" comprenant 5 produits, une tisane, une eau florale, une huile de massage, un flacon d'huile essentielle, un savon saponification à froid et le livret des usages(propriétés et utilisation des plantes). Une réduction de 10% sur votre toute première commande.
Choisie 2 fois
Pour 500 euros ou plus
Incroyable! Merci de votre soutien!
En remerciement vous recevrez, une carte, trois coffrets : "Le détente" comprenant 5 produits bien être, "le dégustation" 3 tisanes en boîtes métal avec une boule à infuser, "le classique "de 3 huiles essentielles à utiliser au quotidien ainsi que le livret des usages dame-jeanne (propriétés des plantes et leurs utilisations). Une réduction de 20% sur votre première commande.
septembre 2020
Pour 1 000 euros ou plus
Sensationnel! Merci de votre soutien!
En remerciement vous recevrez, une carte, cinq coffrets : "Le Détente" comprenant 5 produits bien être " Le Dégustation" 3 tisanes en boîtes métal avec une boule à infuser, le "Classique "de 3 huiles essentielles à utiliser au quotidien, " Le Subtil" comprenant 3 eaux florales et "L'huile prodigieuse" de rose ainsi que le livret des usages dame-jeanne (propriétés des plantes et leurs utilisations). Une réduction de 30% sur votre première commande.
septembre 2020
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