Se nourrir et se soigner avec des champignons de nos forêts!


Fernando Velez - La Grotte aux Champignons

Don avec contrepartie

Préservation et reproduction de variétés autochtones de champignons gastronomiques et médicinaux de nos forêts locales.


Saint-Front-la-Rivière, France




7 185 €

sur 7 500 €

Projet financé !

Le 17 novembre 2023

En soutenant ce projet, vous oeuvrez pour :

Nourish and heal yourself with mushrooms from our forest!

"Forests are one of our key assets in tackling today's climatic, environmental and social challenges. As well as producing timber, they are a breeding ground for biodiversity and our main carbon absorber, essential for the quality of our water, air and health. The value of forests to our society cannot be monetised. It is time to consider them as a common good" (paragraph from the Charter of the Réseau pour les Alternatives Forestières: Network for Forest Alternatives)

My name is Nando and I discovered my first wild mushrooms around ten years ago in Portugal, thanks to some friends with experience in identification. 

La Grotte aux Champignons was born in 2020 out of this fascination with the world of mushrooms and countless adventures exploring the forest. With the help of my brother, Rodolfo, we began by growing oyster, shiitake and piopino mushrooms in a small cave quarried from a rock face.

Project Mission:

- Protection of ecosystems and preservation of endangered native mushroom species
- Cultivation of gourmet and medicinal mushrooms
- Development of a range of mycotherapy products
- Spreading knowledge through training and educational activities

Reproducing Wild Mushroom Species

After a great deal of study, I have acquired the necessary knowledge to be able to reproduce mycelium - the living organism that mushrooms eventually fruit from. I'm now able to reproduce any wild varieties of gourmet or medicinal value.

Process of cultivating oyster mushrooms cloned from the wild:


After many years of exploration and research, which I have been lucky enough to share with family and friends, we have found some quite extraordinary and rare varieties: These have included Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), Chaga (Inonotus oliquus), Maitake (Grifola frondosa) and Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus).

My son with a shiny Reishi/Ganoderma 


...and of course, the pleasure of finding beautiful and delicious cep porcini!


Today, to achieve self-sufficiency in mushroom production from start to finish, the project is moving from the Cave to the Barn.

The project is starting a new cycle on my friend Thibault's family farm: thanks to his friendship and support, the barn is now the place where my project can continue to grow and evolve.

Furthermore, I now have the support of my friends Luis and Filipe (pictured with me in the cover photo), who are also passionate about the world of mushrooms and have decided to join me in this adventure. With their great enthusiasm a new dynamic is being put in place, based on friendship, a collective vision and co-creation of the whole project!

Protection of threatened ecosystems and reproduction of indigenous species

As someone who is very close to life in the forest, I have regrettably observed that the biodiversity of our local woodland is gradually being destroyed by repeated clear-cutting. Many mushroom species are disappearing along with their habitat; ancient and fallen trees... yet these mushrooms are full of molecules that help to balance the health of ecosystems and have great potential to serve humanity.

The young guide, my love mushroom, with an amethyst deceiver, and some beautiful Artist’s brackets  behind. 

We are committed to carrying out one of our primary missions in the service of Nature: to promote and reproduce indigenous varieties in order to preserve biodiversity, which is currently under threat. Our mushroom culture bank will preserve these local varieties, enabling us to reintroduce them into the wild as soon as possible.
In addition to this is the great privilege and pleasure of being able to reproduce them on our farm and offer people mushrooms of the highest possible quality.

We also offer outings to discover and identify wild mushrooms. 
With our local collective, Forêtlium, we have bought 7 ha of forest for preservation as well as to carry out research and interventions to increase its biodiversity. We will do this using Mycoforestry (the implementation of fungi to enhance forest ecosystems) and Sylviculture techniques, in accordance with the Réseau pour les Alternatives Forestières (Network for Forest Alternatives).

Production of gourmet and medicinal mushrooms

We will be growing (with organic AB certification), local varieties of gourmet and medicinal mushrooms and offering them locally at markets, grocery shops, school canteens and restaurants as fresh produce. Some of the varieties are already in our culture bank:

Lion´s Mane


Golden Oysters


Pearl Oysters



Development of a mycotherapy range

Producing concentrated extracts of medicinal mushrooms is also one of the primary motivations for this project.
Mycotherapy, or mushroom therapy, is a branch of naturopathy based on ancient and often forgotten medical traditions. 
Today, scieentific evidence is emerging about the effectiveness of these traditional medicines, which are being used more and more in cancer research for their immunomodulating effects.
Mushrooms are superfoods, adaptogens and immunomodulators. They are rich in minerals, vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, fibre, enzymes, natural antibiotics, microbiota-friendly polysaccharides and antioxidants. Most of these medicinal compounds present in mushrooms are found nowhere else in nature.


What will the funding be used for?

The transition to the barn will give us the space and conditions we need to make the project sustainable and self-sufficient.

To do this, we need your support so that the project can flourish!

The funding will be divided into 3 stages:

  • 1st stage 4 500€: Renovation of the barn

    Our 150m2 mushroom barn with its beautiful traditional roof structure dating from the 1700s requires work to prepare for mushroom production. Essentially we need to have a healthy and sterile environment, which is not at all the case at the moment. 

    -Laying a wooden floor

    -Installation of plumbing and electrics


    -Ventilation system

    -Heating system
  • 2nd stage 7 500 € : Construction of an autonomous mushroom farm

    - Mycelium reproduction and mushroom innoculation laboratory + Equipment: Hepa filters, laminar flow hood, stainless steel tables and shelves.

    - Incubation and Fruiting chamber grow tents + Equipment: heating system, humidifier, hygrometer, LED lighting

    - Substrate preparation space + Equipment: steam steriliser
  • 3rd stage 12 500 € : Mushroom processing and production of Medicinal extractions

    - Construction of the space + stainless steel tables and shelves
    - Professional dehydrator

    - Commercial refrigerator


Rewards for Donations

As Miimosa is a French only website, we are unable to offer a direct link to the Rewards in English – therefore the simplest way to make a donation is to translate the page using your browser and select a reward from ‘Counterparties’ section.

If you have any problems making a donation please email us at

For postage to the rest of Europe and the United Kingdom we can offer the following rewards with delivery, if you would like to make a more sizeable donation we can arrange a tailored reward for you. For deliveries outside of Europe we may require an additional postage fee.

For 20 euros or more

  • La Grotte aux Champignons sticker

A self-adhesive sticker of the official logo, hand-made by Atelier Yocha

For 35 euros or more

  • Dried mushrooms 

For those who do not live locally, a packet of dried mushrooms to flavour your meals (varieties and availability depending on production and progress of the project)

For 55 euros or more

  • Mycotherapy

Logo sticker + 30ml bottle of double hydroalcoholic extraction of medicinal mushrooms

For 80 euros or more

  • Mushrooms + Mycotherapy Kit

Pack of dried mushrooms + 30ml bottle of double hydroalcoholic extraction of medicinal mushrooms

 We'd like to thank everyone who took the time to read through the project and would like to help make this adventure a reality!

Donations can also be made by cheque. 
If you have any questions about the crowdfunding campaign or the mushroom farm, send us an email at 


Pour 10 euros ou plus


Gratitude pour votre aide.

Choisie 13 fois

Pour 20 euros ou plus

Sticker de La Grotte aux Champignons

Un sticker autocollant du logo officiel fait-main par l'Atelier Yocha.


décembre 2023



Choisie 16 fois

Pour 35 euros ou plus

Champignons séchés avec livraison

Un sticker autocollant du logo officiel fait-main par l'Atelier Yocha. + Pour qui est loin, un paquet de champignons séchés pour parfumer vos repas (variétés et disponibilité selon la production et évolution du projet)

Quantité restante



mars 2024



Choisie 11 fois

Pour 35 euros ou plus

Champignons frais

Un sticker autocollant du logo officiel fait-main par l'Atelier Yocha. + Une poche de 350g de champignons frais à retirer sur place ou sur le marché (variétés et disponibilité selon la production et évolution du projet)

Quantité restante



mars 2024


À retirer sur place

Choisie 14 fois

Pour 55 euros ou plus


Le sticker du logo + Flacon de 30ml de double extraction hydroalcoolique de champignon médicinal.

Quantité restante



décembre 2023



Choisie 13 fois

Pour 80 euros ou plus

Kit Champignons + Extraction

Un sticker autocollant du logo officiel fait-main par l'Atelier Yocha. + Paquet de champignons séchés + Flacon de 30ml de double extraction hydroalcoolique de champignon médicinal.

Quantité restante



mars 2024



Choisie 2 fois

Pour 100 euros ou plus

Kit de Culture maison

Un sticker autocollant du logo officiel fait-main par l'Atelier Yocha. + Nous vous offrons 1 bloc prêt a pousser pour récolter des pleurotes ou shiitakés à la maison! Une expérience enthousiasmante à partager avec les enfants.


mars 2024



Choisie 3 fois

Coup de

Pour 150 euros ou plus

Journée d'Initiation aux Champignons Sauvages

Une journée d’immersion en forêt en saison automnale pour découvrir le monde des champignons avec un pique-nique pour la dégustation de champignons ! -Usages traditionnelles et médicinaux -Notions de bases et critères d’identification - Les empoisonnements - Les champignons faciles à identifier - Les grandes familles et comment les reconnaître. Réservez votre 25 novembre !


novembre 2023


À retirer sur place

Choisie 1 fois

Pour 200 euros ou plus

Visite Gourmande

Nous prendrons une 1/2 journée pour une visite guidé à la grange pour 2 personnes avec récolte de champignons, on prends le temps au tour d'un verre et d'une dégustation de tapas aux champignons!


mars 2024

Choisie 5 fois

Pour 350 euros ou plus

Visite à la grange + Cours de Production de Champignons

Une visite guidée à la grange pour 2 personnes avec un cours pour apprendre à cultiver des champignons sur bûches ou sur paille pasteurisé (Technique low-tech pour réaliser dans son jardin avec peu d'investissement) + Kit de culture pour faire pousser à la maison

Choisie 1 fois

Pour 500 euros ou plus

Panier Forestier/Thérapeutique + Cours de Production Complet

Un Panier Forestier avec: - Mix de champignons sauvages séchés local (cèpes, girolles, trompettes noirs, chanterelles) - Kit Médicinal Complet en flacons de 5 variétés de champignons! + Cours Complet pour découvrir les techniques et savoir développer une culture de A a Z à partir d'un champignon! + Cours d'initiation à l'Identification de Champignons Sauvages ou (pour qui ne peux pas se déplacer) 2 Kits de Culture pour faire pousser des champignons à la maison.

Quantité restante



mars 2024



Pour 750 euros ou plus

Forêt Comestible de Champignons

Le Panier Forestier/Thérapeutique + Si vous disposez d'un jardin ou d'une parcelle de bois et que vous aimerez en introduire des champignons pour le futur, nous vous guiderons dans l'installation et la fourniture d'inoculums de 5 variétés de champignons gastronomiques et médicinaux au choix (mycorhizes inclus, cèpes, girolles, etc) qui pourront fructifier durablement chez vous! (en plus d'aider au développement de la biodiversité locale)


mars 2024



Choisie 1 fois

Pour 1 000 euros ou plus

Un remerciement special

En concertation avec vous, nous nous élaborerons une formule de remerciement adaptée et personnalisée.



Don libre


Sélectionnez un projet

en fonction de la thématique, de sa localisation ou des contreparties.


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et ajustez si vous le souhaitez le montant de votre contribution.


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Partagez votre expérience

sur les réseaux sociaux @miimosa_fr pour continuer de soutenir le projet et son porteur.


Prêt rémunéré


Agrandissement d'une pépinière responsable


Énergies renouvelables

Emplois et territoires

35 460 € collectés

Objectif 100 000 €


Les Jardins d'Alexandre

Lacanau, France