De l'eau pour du maraîchage bio aux Gorges du Verdon !


Arbre de vie

Don avec contrepartie

Arbre de vie, c'est quoi? Une petite exploitation agricole de maraîchage biologique aux Gorges du Verdon qui a vu le jour en 2017.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Gorges du Verdon, France



5 300 €

Projet financé !

Le 27 novembre 2018

A well for our organic farm in the Gorges du Verdon by Arbre de Vie

What is Arbre de Vie? A small organic farm in the gorges du verdon region, which was created in 2017.

The Project

Hello all!

We are a young couple who has lived in the Gorges du verdon region for three years: Marilyne and Brian Walker

After some years of studying our project, we were finally able to buy our property and create Arbre de Vie. After creating the company, we had our land and produce certified organic. We produce organic vegetables grown on permaculture buttes, raspberries, and goji berries, all done with a spirit of respect for the environment.

We also planted 285 trees along the edge of our property, in partnership with the Verdon natural park, to limit wind erosion and to create a home for pollinators.

We adhere to our values ​​and our goal is to share them with as many as possible. We have developed two rental apartments on our property to accommodate wwoofers and vacationing families with whom we share both our vision and our small production, offering breakfasts, picnic baskets and 100% organic dinners. We also intend to sell our produce on the farm directly to individuals who come to see us.

Next year we will be setting up a small campground with three tents, as well as a workshop for creating our organic jams and preserves.

We have also begun the process of setting up two large solar producing greenhouses of 850 square meters each, to cultivate organic aloe vera. Our partner in this venture will finance our greenhouses, in exchange for the electricity produced over the next 30 years.

Our versatile concept has been carefully thought through for years, during our times living in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the United States. We have studied a variety of methods in place in these countries and we are using these methods we learned in these different cultures. This experience has prepared us to set up an 100% organic and varied production and to be able to welcome an international public.

We love to share our property, this beautiful region, as well as our practices of respect for the environment and wish only one thing: to be able to continue!

Obviously, our farming is the heart of our project. However, two major problems seriously threaten the survival of Arbre de Vie: a lack of water and the quality of the ground.

Without your help, Arbre de Vie will not survive next year.

How to deal with the lack of water?

It's raining less and less in the Verdon and the heat of this summer ravaged our plants. Since we do not have access to a canal on the plateau du Verdon, we have a difficult choice: watch the plantations die or use the only source of water we have for irrigation. Which is city water, and quite expensive. We have installed a drip irrigation system to limit our water usage and help save our production ... but the consumption required, entails costs so prohibitive that it is not viable in the long term. One solution: to drill. We hired professionals and discovered that there is water in the ground beneath our land! Unfortunately, the water is 110 meters down ... This situation is unfortunately 'standard' in our region and there is no alternative.

We had quotes made for drilling and for the pump. We managed to get a loan, which will cover the price of the pump, but unfortunately cannot finance the cost of drilling and the pump ...

This struggle of Jean de Florette is very real: we need help to be able to ensure the production of next year and continue the project.

Your support is crucial!


We thank you with all our heart for your support in this adventure!


What will the collection be used for?

Drilling: the estimate which has been given to us foresees 6 000 € to dig to 110 meters.

The pump will be paid with the bank loan we have obtained, and we are digging the trenches necessary for the pipes ourselves

For drilling, we need you!

If some people do not wish to participate online, you can send a check (specifying your name and email address) to:

Brian Walker
Arbre de Vie
Chemin de sainte Croix
04500 Montagnac Montpezat


A big thank you in advance for your support with our project!


For 10 € or more
A tree in your name!
Thank you for your participation! An organic plant of your choice will be decorated with a plaque with your name and photo on our site: we will be happy to meet you on the farm to present it to you!
Availability: March 2019


For 25 € or more
Organic seeds and 100% organic vegan preserves!
Thank you so much! We will send you a bag of 10 organic seeds and one of our canned glass jar 250g of zucchini caviar to thank you!
Availability: November 2018
Delivery: Within France


For 50 € or more
Assortment of 100% organic vegan preserves!
A big thank you, a basket with 4 organic glass jars will be sent to you: 2 caviar of zucchini 250g, a ratatouille 500g and a zucchini soup 500g!
Availability: November 2018
Delivery: Within France


For 80 € or more
A night in one of our 5m bell tents!
Thank you so much! Come visit us: we offer you a night in one of our tents for up to 4 people (with a double bed and two single beds inside), in the heart of the natural park of the Gorges du Verdon!
Availability: March 2019
Delivery: To be received on site


For 110 € or more
A night in our charming rental!
A big thank you and an invitation to spend a night in our charming rental. The Loft for up to 5 people! The opportunity for a beautiful family vacation, we are 6km from Lake St. Croix!
Availability: March 2019
Delivery: To be received on site


For 250 € or more
A discovery weekend, stay and breakfast included!
Thank you very much! We invite you to enjoy the beauty of the Verdon with two nights offered in our charming rental for up to 5 people, with 100% organic gourmet breakfast included for all!
Availability: March 2019
Delivery: To be received on site


For 500 € or more
An unforgettable experience!
THANK YOU!!! You are wonderful: you will not regret it! We invite you to come spend three days in one of our rentals for up to 5 people, all meals included (100% organic local products). We invite you to visit the farm and will accompany you on a hike on the Martel trail and on the ridge roads, to enjoy the extraordinary views of the Gorges du Verdon!
Availability: April 2019
Delivery: To be recieved on site


Pour 10 euros ou plus

Un arbre a votre nom !

Merci pour votre participation! Un plant bio de votre choix sera orné d'une plaque à votre nom avec photo sur notre site : nous serons heureux de vous rencontrer à la ferme pour vous le présenter !


mars 2019

Choisie 6 fois

Pour 25 euros ou plus

Graines bio et conserves véganes 100% bio !

Merci beaucoup ! Nous vous envoyons un sachet de 10 graines bio et une de nos conserves en pot de verre 250g de caviar de courgettes pour vous remercier !


novembre 2018



Choisie 5 fois

Pour 50 euros ou plus

Assortiment de conserves véganes 100% bio !

Un grand merci et un panier assorti de 4 conserves bio en pots de verre pour vous remercier : 2 caviars de courgettes à 250g, une ratatouille à 500g et une soupe de courgette à 500g !


novembre 2018



Choisie 4 fois

Pour 80 euros ou plus

Une nuit dans nos tentes à cloche de 5m de diamètre !

Merci infiniment ! Venez nous voir : nous vous offrons une nuit dans l'une de nos tentes aménagées pour 4 personnes (avec un lit double et deux lits simples à l'intérieur), au coeur du parc naturel des Gorges du Verdon !


mars 2019


À retirer sur place

Choisie 5 fois

Pour 110 euros ou plus

Une nuit dans nos gîtes de charme !

Un grand merci et une invitation à nous rencontrer avec une nuit dans notre gîte de charme Le Loft pour 5 personnes ! L'occasion d'une belle balade en famille, nous sommes à 6km du Lac de Sainte Croix !


mars 2019


À retirer sur place

Choisie 3 fois

Pour 150 euros ou plus

Une détox digitale, tranquillité et apaisement garantis !

Un grand merci et une invitation à vous joindre à l'un de nos ateliers de détox digitale, qui comprend une matinée de yoga et un après-midi de méditation active en plein air, suivis d'une nuitée dans l'une de nos tentes à cloche. Un grand moment de détente dans un cadre magnifique !


mars 2019


À retirer sur place

Choisie 3 fois

Pour 250 euros ou plus

Un weekend découverte, séjour et petits déjeuners offerts !

Merci vraiment beaucoup ! Nous vous invitons à profiter de la beauté du Verdon grâce à deux nuits offertes dans notre gîte de charme pour 5 personnes, avec petits déjeuners gourmands 100% bios inclus pour tous !


mars 2019


À retirer sur place

Choisie 2 fois

Pour 500 euros ou plus

Une expérience inoubliable !

MERCI !!! Vous êtes formidable : vous ne le regrettez pas ! Nous vous invitons à venir passer trois jours dans l'un de nos gîtes pour 5 personnes, tous les repas inclus pour tous (produits du terroir 100% bio). Nous vous invitons à visiter la ferme et vous accompagnerons en randonnée sur le sentier Martel et sur la route des crêtes, pour profiter des vues extraordinaires des Gorges du Verdon !


avril 2019


À retirer sur place

Choisie 1 fois

Don libre


Sélectionnez un projet

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sur les réseaux sociaux @miimosa_fr pour continuer de soutenir le projet et son porteur.