A gin from space!



Don avec contrepartie

Création d'une micro-distillerie de Gin atypique et Premium.


324 Route des Guyonnets, Verdelais, France



14 680 €

Projet financé !

Le 30 janvier 2021

English version

We are Stéphane Allender and Françoise Abad and it is truly the fulfillment of a dream that we are living at the moment. That of settling down in our beloved countryside after 20 years in London (❤) and creating an ultra-premium, unique and organic drink product there. 

At 48 years old and in professional retraining (from the media industry which traditionally provides service), the desire to create a real product, without compromise and which resembles us, had a strong attraction for us. That of going after a very personal and intimate creation. 

In 2017, the decision is taken to embark on an adventure as terrifying as it is exciting! 

Once upon a time LaBouche was born! 

Bringing back in our suitcase from the UK, was a strong taste for Gin (Thanks Lara for bringing back Gin in our life ;) and probably also a little bit for adventure. From this union was born Tame Spirits in 2020 and our 2 first products, Gin LaBouche #1 “Cap Ferret” and LaBouche #2 “Les landes”.

*No donkeys or cows available for this wonderful birth, just our 2 cats :(

Les fines bouches 

#1 Cap Ferret This is the first recipe that we have developed and our objective was very clear: Iodine - Freshness - Minerality 

And we find these qualities very clearly in # 1. Among its 12 ingredients, you’ll find samphire and a subtle infusion of oyster shell from Bassin d’Arcachon. The result is perfectly balanced, surprising and very accessible.

#2 Les Landes came in a second time. It is the fruit of multiple experiments but also of happy accidents. Gourmet and delicate. 10 ingredients compose it, including maritime pine buds and chamomile. 

How do you get started to make a goooooood Gin? 

By macerating various ingredients while opening our creative chakras. Lots of ingredients! We are well over the hundred. 

Then we chose a unique equipment in its approach to alcohol distillation.

YES! Absolutely, we are campaigning for Houston to deliver LaBouche Gin to the ISS .. LaBouche to Mission Control ... Do you copy? 

... but no, we do not distill our Gins from the ISS! And we don't have E.T on a permanent contract either (We would like to, but we don't have the means to hire yet!). 

But on the other hand, we distill our Gins, under almost total vacuum, thanks to an extraordinary machine that we have purchased. (La Máquina Especial as our Argentinian friend, Sergio who undertook the work of our new distillery, would say, cf: Instagram lab_labouche).

Why under vacuum? Let’s go back quick to physics and chemistry class ... The almost total air vacuum in our still allows us to drastically reduce the boiling points. In our place, the water boils at 40 degrees, which means our ingredients do not "cook". In summer, all you have to do is open our windows to make the pot boil (during a heatwave at least) 

But the results are in the glass. Our 2 Gins have unrivalled roundness, flavors and freshness. Purity impersonated! (note that we are located in Verdelais, a village where the holy virgin would have appeared ... Perhaps this would have played a role?)


What will this crowdfunding be used for?

Mainly hardware! 

We are not yet at the end of our expenses but the hard part is done! Despite everything, we need you for that final stretch :) 

Where are we up to? 

After 18 months of development, our products are finalized on our production tool 

We have also had our premises since October 2020, (beautifully redesigned by Sergio) and we are evaluating that it will be possible to deliver the first bottles to you in April 2021 (Miimosa people first of course!) 

The more the amount of the pot increases, the less we will have to borrow from the banks and the more our file will be perceived as reliable. 

And thanks to you, our first bottles will hit the wine merchants, bars and restaurants from April or May. 

The stages of this campaign 

8000 € will allow us to acquire

3 X 1000L stainless steel tank (€ 2,040 each) = € 6,120 

1X 500L stainless steel tank (€ 990 each) = € 990 

2X 100L stainless steel tank (485 € each) = 970 € 

€ 12,000, we also buy 

Stock of dry materials = 3500 € 

15 extraction bags (35 € each) = 525 € 

€ 16,000, we also buy 

Electronic alcohol meter (precise measurements make customs happy!) = € 1300 Liquid pump = 1600 € 

2 additional 100L stainless steel tanks (485 € each) = 970 € 

€ 20,000, we can also start 

The launch of a great box set of # 1 and # 2 in 37.5cl format! And also the start of the development of new super cool products (fingers crossed;) that we have in mind! 

€ 26,000, we can also start 

The development of a smartphone app whose concept is still secret but terribly FUN and which will accompany our gins perfectly. 

The Counterparties for the "Fine Bouche" 

By participating, you officially become a choosy. Contribute now and ... ENTER THE LOGO OF FAME!

The name of each contributor comes to constitute (and hide) in our logo! At the end of the campaign, our Logo of Fame will live physically in our distillery and on our website as a thank you to all our contributing friends! 


Note 1: For deliveries from our counterparts outside mainland France, please add to your donation: 

Counterpart 50 € -> EU / UK shipping: + € 12. Shipping to rest of the world: + 35 € Counterpart 90 € -> EU / UK shipping: + € 25. Shipping to rest of the world: + 50 € Counterpart 160 € -> EU / UK shipping: + € 30. Shipping to rest of the world: + 60 € Counterpart 380 € -> EU / UK shipping: + 90 €. Shipping to rest of the world: + 160 € Counterparty 700 € and above -> Not available 

Note 2: Our Gins offered may be gifted directly to third parties. We take care of everything, we post them for you with your personalized note :)

Please add € 8 to your donation per additional delivery address (for shipments to third parties outside mainland France, contact us). 

For more information on our project, on the prize pool, or just to say hi, contact us * by phone at 0632574778 

* by email stephane@tamespirits.com 

* via instagram lab_labouche 

And if you come past us in Gironde, don’t hesitate to stop by :) 

*Tame Spirits: 324 Route des Guyonnets, 33490 Verdelais, France 

In advance, a big big thank you! We love you. 


Pour 10 euros ou plus

Logo of Fame + Magnet + 10% OFF sur notre e-Shop

----------------------Merciiiiiiiiii----------------------- Chaque contribution nous mène un peu plus près de nos objectifs. On se dépêche de produire nos Gins pour que vous puissiez vite bénéficier de 10% de réduction pendant 12 mois sur notre e-shop + Vous entrez bien sûr dans le fameux Logo of Fame + 1 magnet /// Each contribution leads us a little closer to our goals. We hurry to produce our Gins so that you can quickly benefit from your 10% reduction for 12 months on our e-shop + Of course you enter the famous Logo of Fame + 1 magnet LaBouche


avril 2021



Choisie 5 fois

Pour 25 euros ou plus

Get ready!

----------------------Un grand merci----------------------- En plus des goodies à 10€, On vous poste 1 moule de 4 glaçons géants ronds pour des futurs Gin & Tonic légendaires. /// A big thank you, In addition to the 10€ goodies, We will mail you 1 mold of 4 giant round ice cubes for future legendary Gin & Tonic.


avril 2021



Choisie 10 fois

Pour 50 euros ou plus

LaBouche entre dans votre bar!

-------------- Un grand grand merci ! ------------- Votre contribution fait une vraie différence pour notre projet. Recevez 1 bouteille Gin LaBouche 70cl au choix (Offrable à un ami selon conditions décrites) + les goodies à 10€ /// A big big thank you! Your contribution makes a real difference to our project. Receive 1 bottle of Gin LaBouche 70cl of your choice (Available to gift to a friend under the conditions described) + goodies of €10 prize


avril 2021



Choisie 55 fois

Pour 90 euros ou plus

Chéri(e), c’est LaBouche #1 ou #2 ce soir?

-----------Vraiment habile de votre part ! --------- Merci, grâce à votre contribution, vous ferez partie des premiers (au monde !) à recevoir nos 2 Gins et on vous en remercie chaleureusement. Recevez 2 bouteilles Gin LaBouche 70cl de votre choix (Et économisez 12% par rapport au prix public) - (offrable à des amis selon conditions décrites) + Logo of Fame + Magnet + 20% OFF sur notre e-Shop pendant 12 mois /// Really clever of you! You will be one of the first (in the world!) To receive our 2 Gins and we thank you warmly. Receive 2 bottles of Gin LaBouche 70cl of your choice (And save 12% compared to regular price) - (available to gift to friends under the conditions described) + Logo of Fame + Magnet + 20% OFF on our e-Shop for 12 months


avril 2021



Choisie 33 fois

Pour 160 euros ou plus

4 bouteilles c'est vite parti non ?

-----------Vous croyez en nous, merci !--------. Ca nous va droit au cœur. Recevez 4 bouteilles Gin LaBouche 70cl de votre choix - (économisez 22% par rapport au prix public) - offrable à des amis selon conditions décrites. + Logo of Fame + Magnet + 20% OFF sur notre e-Shop pendant 12 mois /// You believe in us, thank you! It goes straight to our hearts. Receive 4 bottles of Gin LaBouche 70cl of your choice - (save 22% compared to regular price) - available to gift to friends under the conditions described. + Logo of Fame + Magnet + 20% OFF on our e-Shop for 12 months


avril 2021



Choisie 15 fois

Pour 380 euros ou plus

C'est vraiment moche de garder 10 bouteilles pour soi ?

------Vous faites partie de nos super Fans----- Votre geste n’est pas anodin et on l'apprécie beaucoup. Pour vous, 10 bouteilles Gin LaBouche 70cl de votre choix.- (économisez 29% par rapport au prix public)-- (offrable à des amis selon conditions décrites) + Logo of Fame + Magnet + 20% OFF sur notre e-Shop pendant 12 mois /// You are one of our super fans! Your gesture is not trivial and we appreciate it very much. For you, 10 bottles of Gin LaBouche 70cl of your choice - (save 29% compared to regular price) - (available to gift to friends under the conditions described) + Logo of Fame + Magnet + 20% OFF on our e-Shop during 12 months


avril 2021



Choisie 4 fois

Pour 700 euros ou plus

20 quilles? No problems, j'ai plein d'amis!

--------------Énorme! Un Grand merci---------------- Vous êtes clairement plus qu’un simple follower. Recevez ou offrez 20 bouteilles Gin LaBouche 70cl de votre choix.- (économisez 40% par rapport au prix public) - (offrable à des amis selon conditions décrites) + Logo of Fame + Magnet + 20% OFF sur notre e-Shop pendant 12 mois /// Huge, many thanks! You are clearly more than just a follower. Receive or offer 20 bottles of Gin LaBouche 70cl of your choice - (save 40% compared to the public price) - (available to gift to friends under the conditions described) + Logo of Fame + Magnet + 20% OFF on our e-Shop for 12 month


avril 2021



Choisie 4 fois

Pour 1 200 euros ou plus

Le lot des héros !

-----------Vous faites partie de la famille--------- Merci pour votre générosité, et de croire en nous . Nous vous proposons de passer le week-end chez nous, à la distillerie. En plus de partager de bons repas et quelques cocktails, nous vous proposons de vous initier à la distillation. Et vous repartez (ou offrirez) avec 20 bouteilles de nos Gins. ----- Si le WE n'est pas possible, on vous propose d’offrir jusqu'à 36 bouteilles de Gin aux amis ou clients de votre choix (économisez 47% par rapport au prix public) ou gardez les 36 pour vous ! + Logo of Fame + Magnet + 20% OFF sur notre e-Shop pendant 12 mois /// You are part of the family! Thank you for your generosity, and for believing in us. We invite you to spend the weekend with us, at the distillery. In addition to sharing good meals and a few cocktails, we invite you to introduce you to distillation. And you leave (or will offer) with 20 bottles of our Gins. ----- If the weekend is not possible, we suggest you gift up to 36 bottles of Gin to friends or clients of your choice (save 47% compared to the public price) or keep the 36 for yourself ! + Logo of Fame + Magnet + 20% OFF on our e-Shop for 12 months


avril 2021



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