Des arbres fruitiers "Au Coin Des Écureuils"


Joffrey Fouquet et Laura Preston

Don avec contrepartie

Plantation d'arbres fruitiers Au Coin des Écureuils, ferme permacole en herbe / Planting trees At Squirrel Grove, budding permaculture farm

Grand Est

Cussangy, France




170 €

sur 1 800 €

Collecte Terminée

Les contributions ont été intégralement remboursées car le projet n’a pas atteint 60% de son objectif.

En soutenant ce projet, vous oeuvrez pour :

In English please !

Hey Squirrels! We’re Jo and Noisette!

Joe: Born and raised in the countryside. My interest in climate change and social issues started in 2018. Since then, I have learned more about my ongoing project and have continued to study parallel subjects, such as permaculture design and lifestyles. After working in computer science for five years, I will be converting to artisanal masonry heater crafting.

Noisette: I have reconnected with nature and my sense of self after moving from Paris to the countryside with my three children in 2016. My love for primroses and lilacs led me to give up my fashion designer outfit to start a new life. Presently, I study Yoga and soon will study naturopathy.

Currently immersed in the renovations of our 200 year old farmhouse with barn, living area, learning studios and rental units. We’re shouting out from our 2 acre farm in Champagne, France, where we’ve been making a lot of progress on our permaculture project "Au Coin des Écureuils” in other words 'Squirrel Grove’ !

Since July, we’ve been settling into our future multi-purpose agroecological farm. Here we will create a vegetable garden, a medicinal garden, an edible forest, a poultry coop and run, a tree nursery and a bed and breakfast! All of these activities will be carried out with the philosophy of permaculture guiding us along the way, so that our lifestyle choices support and coincide with nature and the already existing ecosystems of our land.

Our farm will be animated by various projects and activities: farm visits, autonomy and self-sufficiency workshops,  the creation and maintenance of renewable energy sources, drawing workshops, yoga workshops and many other ideas to create the minimalist, yet rich lifestyle we desire.

We have decided to create this little piece of paradise to ensure our own well-being and that of our family, but also to contribute to our local community and to the global community through learning, sharing and teaching respectful and attractive solutions for living happily and healthfully today.

For the time being we’re renovating, so we'll come down from the roof top momentarily to let you know what we’ve got in mind... So that if you decided to add some extra nuts to our savings you’ll know exactly how you’ll be helping us out..



With the donations we receive from you, we will be financing: 

- The planting of a diverse permaculture hedge around the perimeter of the land with about 100 plants:

This is an incredibly important aspect for the landscaping of our farm. The carefully selected mix of plants in the hedge will attract and protect many species of animals and insects, contributing to biodiversity. These plants of different heights will also have the task of breaking the wind and thus creating a microclimate on the plot.

- The planting of some 20 fruit trees:

Planting trees has many benefits in creating a healthy and happy environment. Our goal is to invest in our autonomy, to learn to live from our land. Planting fruits and nuts, such as chestnuts, nuts and hazelnuts, as well as apple, cherry and mulberry trees, to name a few, will ensure a safe source of healthy, natural food, which can then be eaten fresh or stored away in cans or ground into flour. Not to mention some delicious jams and pies!

- The installation of a professional greenhouse:

The greenhouse will extend our growing seasons, making harvest possible year-round by capturing and storing energy from the sun even when winter comes. 

We’re so thankful that you’ve taken the time to check out our project and hope that you keep following us as we continue on this journey of homemaking, farming and celebrating life. If you feel inspired to help us out financially, please know that we’ve got some lovely crafted gifts lined up for you…

With the donations we receive from you, we will be financing: 

- The planting of a diverse permaculture hedge around the perimeter of the land with about 100 plants:

This is an incredibly important aspect for the landscaping of our farm. The carefully selected mix of plants in the hedge will attract and protect many species of animals and insects, contributing to biodiversity. These plants of different heights will also have the task of breaking the wind and thus creating a microclimate on the plot.

- The planting of some 20 fruit trees:

Planting trees has many benefits in creating a healthy and happy environment. Our goal is to invest in our autonomy, to learn to live from our land. Planting fruits and nuts, such as chestnuts, nuts and hazelnuts, as well as apple, cherry and mulberry trees, to name a few, will ensure a safe source of healthy, natural food, which can then be eaten fresh or stored away in cans or ground into flour. Not to mention some delicious jams and pies!

- The installation of a professional greenhouse:

The greenhouse will extend our growing seasons, making harvest possible year-round by capturing and storing energy from the sun even when winter comes. 

We’re so thankful that you’ve taken the time to check out our project and hope that you keep following us as we continue on this journey of homemaking, farming and celebrating life. If you feel inspired to help us out financially, please know that we’ve got some lovely crafted gifts lined up for you…


Pour 15 euros ou plus

Noisette postale

Carte postale dessinée par Noisette. Postcard drawn by Noisette.


décembre 2022



Pour 25 euros ou plus

Nom d'une courge !

Premiers essais d’agroécologie. Une courge à venir récupérer à la ferme en fin de saison ! First agroecology tests. A squash to be picked up on the farm at the end of the season !

Quantité restante



décembre 2022


À retirer sur place

Pour 50 euros ou plus

Adopt'un Arbre ! / Adopt'a Tree !

Pancarte pyrogravée avec ton nom au pied d'un arbre planté. Sign pyrograph engraved with your name at the foot of a planted tree.

Quantité restante



décembre 2022

Choisie 1 fois

Pour 80 euros ou plus

Visite de la ferme

Une visite de groupe avec un apéro local, centré autour de l'écohabitat et du design de la ferme. A group visit around a local drink, and a talk about the ecohabitat and the design of the farm.


décembre 2022


À retirer sur place

Pour 125 euros ou plus

T-shirt des écureuils / Squirrel T-shirt

Un T-Shirt fabriqué dans l'aube avec du tissu recyclé, avec le logo de la ferme. A T-shirt made in Aube with recycled fabric, with the logo of the farm.


décembre 2022



Pour 165 euros ou plus

Adopt'un Arbre! + T-Shirt des écureuils

Pancarte pyrogravée avec ton nom au pied d'un arbre planté + Un T-Shirt fabriqué dans l'aube avec du tissu recyclé, avec le logo de la ferme. Sign pyrograph engraved with your name at the foot of a planted tree + A T-shirt made in Aube with recycled fabric, with the logo of the farm.


décembre 2022



Pour 365 euros ou plus

C'est tout un art !

Photos artistiques réalisées sur la ferme par une artiste parisienne et assemblés dans une pochette en édition limitée. Artistic photos taken on the farm by a parisian artist and assembled in a limited edition sleeve.


décembre 2022



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