Pour cultiver ensemble l'Art de l'essentiel Bio et vrac


Karol & Soumicha

Don avec contrepartie

Redynamiser l'économie locale en achetant des produits locaux, bio et en privilégiant les circuits-courts tout en réduisant nos déchets.

Nice, France



6 160 €

Projet financé !

Le 30 septembre 2020

The Art of the essential : organic and bulk

"To cultivate together the Art of the essential : organic and bulk "

Revitalize the local economy by buying local, organic products and favoring short circuits while reducing our waste

                                     Project display

Today, almost everyone agrees on the overwhelming observation of plastic pollution and its devastating effects on biodiversity, both terrestrial and marine, this reality unfortunately no longer needs to be demonstrated.

Nice, the Mediterranean city par excellence, is directly impacted by this plastic pollution which insidiously destroys this sea of ​​unequaled beauty.

Paradoxically, few solutions exist or are reserved for the better-off, and the vast majority of people continue to throw away staggering amounts of packaging on a daily basis.

Indeed, many obstacles, in particular an insufficient number of local shops and / or prices often considered too expensive, prevent many people from going further in a sustainable transformation of our consumption patterns.

It is our common interest in ecology and social justice that led us to build this project. We have been engaged for several years in a waste reduction approach and aspire to sustainably change our consumption.

We wanted to question those around us and people involved in a waste reduction process in order to know their opinion on the subject. Many of you responded to our survey and we thank you.


                             The birth of ALTER NATIVES

Because we are convinced of the existence of genuine viable ALTERNATIVES to what has been presented to us for decades as the dominant economic model.

ALTER NATIVES is also a nod to our origins, which are so geographically distant, but which a common friendship and passion have made Guatemala and Algeria very close.


 Our history

We met on the benches of the university of Nice, our paths then separated according to our travels and our professional and family lives. When we got together ten years later, we realized that we had the same passion for the environment, the soil and the right products.

Over the course of our "reunion" we shared the same observation about the lack of an adequate offer in a large city such as Nice, for those who were trying to adopt another type of consumption, namely healthier, local and respectful of nature and workers.


                                         The birth of an Urban Écolieu

We therefore decided to create ALTER NATIVES, which in our eyes will become much more than a sales area, but a real place of discovery, reflection and action.

It will be a school open to all to make more concrete and lively concepts that were previously abstract and removed from the concerns of "urban" people such as ecological transition and the circular economy.

What we want is to offer a solution on our scale, a building block of what we hope will be the construction of the world of tomorrow. Our part of the Hummingbird, to quote the famous Native American legend.

Show the youngest ones that the reflex of the whole 'disposable' is neither viable for the economy nor for nature and to revive the older ones the sobriety and the wisdom of a mode of consumption which once existed with the sale in bulk, deposit, manufacture of homemade products ...

Together, let's make the dream of developing nature in the city to preserve biodiversity as well as the food autonomy necessary for current challenges.

Our ambition is to offer a real 'alternative' to classic mass distribution and to large chains of industrial organic products by distributing local references in bulk, fresh and artisanal products at affordable prices while guaranteeing a fair price for producers.

We are convinced that SLOW consumption *** - as an extension of the locavore movement - is much more than a trend and that it will assert itself as the new model of consumption, or rather a return to basics, by focusing on short circuits.

We are betting that overconsumption is a bygone model and that a renewal is required for all citizens.

*** SLOW consumption: take the time to consume well. These are the reflexes to acquire when making a purchase in order to avoid unnecessary purchases. Thus, adopting a production system that puts people and the planet before short-term financial considerations.

                           What will we find there?

In our urban ecoplace ALTER NATIVES, you will find salty grocery products (pasta, rice, lentils ...), sweet (chocolate, honey, cookies ...), hygiene products and cosmetics.

To be in line with our convictions and a growing demand from citizens, we will work to select quality products for you, in priority proximity because we have a lot of good producers in the PACA region, then in France.

Finally, the products offered will be in bulk or in ecological packaging, reusable and / or returnable if bulk is not possible for reasons of hygiene and transport.

 What we promise to be:

Real locavores, at ALTER NATIVES we always value local producers in order to limit the impact of transport and boost the local economy;

The choice of bulk, will allow us to offer you competitive prices;

You will not pay for the packaging, the marketing costs, or the advertising of our products;

You will be able to learn through the workshops offered real know-how in order to reduce your waste, and thus save on your food and cosmetic budget;

We invite you to be part of a community willing to pass on knowledge and tips to as many people as possible to strive for greater food autonomy;

A place of sharing and reflection open to all those who will want to contribute and pool a know-how, a passion, with workshops in permaculture, making objects with recycled materials, repair'cafés ...

What we promise not to be:

Yet another place where organic rhymes with expensive and selective.

Now we are ready for the launch of our 'urban school' and bulk grocery store to support the desire of many people towards a more sober and happy life.

For this we need to bring together as many useful forces as possible and hope to count on your support in order to make this great project a reality.


                   What will the collection be used for?

Today, your participation will allow us to propel our approach, to motivate us more and also to borrow less from banks and thus offer more accessible products ...

This is why we hope to have your support in exchange for the rewards that we offer you.

We have therefore defined three steps depending on the options we could offer you to improve our sales area:


LEVEL 1: € 5,000

Purchase of bins and silos:

We have chosen gravity silos as well as shovel bins from the APPLYVRAC range, 100% French design and manufacture, from the APPLYMAGE brand which will allow you to choose the right quantity you need.

These contents are essential for bulk sales, they are functional, hygienic and durable and come within the framework of the logic of short circuits but have a significant cost.

LEVEL 2: € 8,000

Purchase of a refrigerated display case

And if the piggy bank is full, we could buy a refrigerated display case allowing us to offer you good fresh goat and sheep cheese from the surrounding villages in order to avoid unnecessary travel.

LEVEL 3: € 10,000

Layout of the room with 100% made in France furniture

We naturally plan to use recycled materials to promote the reuse of 'waste' and give a unique atmosphere to our school.

However, the arrangement with furniture specially designed for bulk wood made 100% in France in the most eco-responsible way possible would allow us to offer more products and facilitate movement in the premises.

If you wish to contribute to this project by check, you can send them to:


112 Avenue Sainte Marguerite- Les Jasmins

NICE 06200



Pour 5 euros ou plus

Merci beaucoup !!!

Votre Nom inscrit sur le mur des contributeurs

Choisie 11 fois

Pour 10 euros ou plus

MERCI, chaque petit geste compte !

Votre Nom inscrit sur le mur des contributeurs + Un lot de 10 stickers à coller sur vos bocaux (nom du produit, origine, date limite de consommation, temps de cuisson, etc…)


À retirer sur place

Choisie 9 fois

Pour 20 euros ou plus

Un grand MERCI pour ce petit coup de pouce !

Votre Nom inscrit sur le mur des contributeurs + Une boisson dans notre Café Le PO’Ethique


À retirer sur place

Choisie 11 fois

Pour 30 euros ou plus

Un grand MERCI pour votre soutien !

Les contreparties précédentes + Un chouette tote-bag ALTER NATIVES en tissu recyclé par une association locale


À retirer sur place

Choisie 17 fois

Pour 50 euros ou plus

Un bon départ dans le vrac !

Les contreparties précédentes + Une gourde inox double paroi d'une contenance de 500 ml + une invitation à la soirée d'inauguration


À retirer sur place

Choisie 16 fois

Pour 75 euros ou plus

Les deux pieds dans le vrac !!

Les contreparties précédentes + 2 cotons démaquillants et un sérum hydratant pour le visage + une invitation à la soirée d'inauguration

Quantité restante



À retirer sur place

Choisie 2 fois

Pour 100 euros ou plus

VRAIMENT MERCI - On vous invite à boire l'apéro !!!

Les contreparties précédentes + Un kit pour vos achats en vrac dans l'épicerie (3 sacs en coton + 3 bocaux + 2 bouteilles) + Une Invitation pour 2 à la soirée d'Inauguration

Quantité restante



À retirer sur place

Choisie 10 fois

Pour 150 euros ou plus

Vous voilà équipé pour consommer durable & local !!!

Les contreparties précédentes + Deux invitations pour un apéro 'cuisine du monde' dans notre café Le Po'Ethique (valable 1 an)


À retirer sur place

Choisie 2 fois

Pour 200 euros ou plus

On vous prépare un brunch Bio, frais & gourmand !!!

Votre Nom inscrit sur le mur des contributeurs + Une invitation pour 2 personnes à la soirée d’inauguration + Un cabas en tissu recyclé + Une invitation pour 2 personnes pour un brunch dans notre café Le PO'Ethique (valable pendant 1 an)


À retirer sur place

Choisie 4 fois

Pour 300 euros ou plus

Soyons vrac : un IMMENSE MERCI

Les contreparties précédentes + Un panier avec des produits zéro déchet pour la salle de bain et la maison + Une réduction de 10% à chaque passage en magasin pendant 1 an


À retirer sur place

Choisie 2 fois

Don libre


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en fonction de la thématique, de sa localisation ou des contreparties.


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et ajustez si vous le souhaitez le montant de votre contribution.


Recevez vos produits

ou profitez des séjours et expériences que vous avez choisis.


Partagez votre expérience

sur les réseaux sociaux @miimosa_fr pour continuer de soutenir le projet et son porteur.


Don avec contrepartie

Un local d’accueil pour la micro ferme du Bout du Monde

Sécurité et souveraineté alimentaire

Santé et bien-être


12 784 € collectés

Objectif 16 000 €


Michaël Dossin et Anaïse Dacremont

Spa, Belgique