Soutenez notre élevage de chevaux islandais !
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Apporter un nouveau souffle au paysage équestre français : création de la Ferme Eolen pour introduire les chevaux islandais en Bretagne.
Roscanvel, France
5 950 €
Projet financé !
Le 15 septembre 2024
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Development of an icelandic horse breeding in brittany!
Help us to bring a breath of fresh air into the horse world - we, two young women from Germany, are bringing the breeding of Icelandic horses to Brittany and creating a meeting place: the Ferme Eolen.
Introducing the project
We are Lisa and Tabea, two German women who are passionate about horses, especially Icelandic horses.
I, Lisa, am a qualified horse trainer and was lucky enough to be trained in one of the best dressage stables in Germany. However, my heart has been beating for Icelandic horses since I was a child and I was allowed to grow up with them. I am an IPZV trainer and young horse rider. I have an agricultural education and now have a BPJEPS mention équitation to become a young farmer and give riding lessons in France. I have always had a very strong connection to Brittany. Starting a horse farm where the horses are happy has been my dream since I was a child. I want to help people and horses to communicate better with each other and to develop together.
And I am Tabea. Ever since I was a child, when I dressed up as a farmer for carnival at nursery school, I have dreamed of owning my own horse farm. Today I am pursuing this dream in Brittany with my dear friend Lisa. With many years of experience in the equine world, I am currently working on my VAE to obtain my BPREH and my BPJEPS to be similarly qualified for France as Lisa.
My life is guided by an insatiable curiosity for everything unknown. I like to try everything at least once, and my favourite thing to do is always to try it myself. Over the years, I have explored different facets of working with horses, learnt a lot and forged my own path, which I continue to develop.
For our Icelandic horse breed, maintaining the natural robustness of this breed is particularly important to me.
Four years ago, we fell in love with Brittany and in particular with this remote part of Finistère, near the Crozon peninsula, which we have chosen as our home.
In 2022, we founded the Libea association to promote the Icelandic horse in France and bring our expertise in dressage, horse welfare and training to the French equestrian world.
Today, we organise clinics for horse lovers throughout France.
### Our riding clinics
Our clinics are aimed at horse owners who want to improve their skills, knowledge and relationship with their horse. For beginners, we offer courses on various topics with our well-trained school horses.
Where does our passion for Icelandic horses come from?
The Icelandic horse is a robust, small horse breed (130-150 cm) that originally comes from Iceland. Like the island from which they originate, they are horses of "fire and ice" that are very strong-willed, hard-working and versatile thanks to their golden heart, clear head and good character. In addition to the basic gaits (walk, trot, canter), these small, enduring horses can also tölt and flying pace. Icelandic horses come in all beautiful and unusual colours.
In Germany, this breed has enjoyed enormous success since the 1960s and has ushered in a real turnaround in horse welfare. Why is that? Because Icelandic horses still live a very original life :
- in the herd
- all year round with plenty of freedom
- they are not broken in until they are four to five years old
- their training takes place mainly in the countryside.
These horses are becoming more and more popular in France, but there are still not enough well-ridden horses for sale. We want to change that. Our breeding goal: We want to breed Icelandic horses that will be loyal friends for young and old. Beautiful, typey, robust horses with plenty of tölt and good gaits. With a calm to medium temperament and a clear mind, they should be people orientated and versatile.
Our dream is to create a place where horses and people feel at home in nature. A place of encounter and development. A place of community and intercultural understanding.
After years of searching, we found the ideal place to realise this dream: a remote old farm that offers everything our horses could wish for: rounded pastureland, buildings that can be gradually extended, plenty of grass and our own spring. The nearby forest offers marvellous trails. There is also plenty of space for people, with a residential building and several houses that can be renovated. Despite the dream location in the middle of nature, we are easily accessible. Even the railway station and airport are about 30 minutes away (Brest).
Our steps to make our dream come true
Step 1: Foundation of an Icelandic horse breeding farm. - Purchase 5 horses from breeders we know:
- 2 broodmares (if possible already covered for 2025).
- 2 young horses of riding age (4-5 years), whose development you can follow in our online programme and which will be offered for sale once they have completed their training as riding horses.
- A young stallion or mare for breeding.
Step 2: Establishing a training centre for beginners and advanced riders with carefully trained lesson horses.
- We currently offer riding courses at other stables or riding centres as well as nature excursions
We currently offer riding courses at other farms or riding centres as well as nature excursions with our horses in Roscanvel. In our new home we would like to create good training facilities, initially a riding arena and later a inside arena, to offer courses and lessons with our own horses or our training horses. We listen to the horses and their well-being is of the utmost importance to us. We organise varied and horse-friendly activities. Beginners get to know the horses on the ground before getting into the saddle.
Step 3: Farm holidays with a holiday home in the countryside.
- To welcome you to the farm if you would like to buy a horse, attend a course or go on holiday
course or want to go on holiday, we will first set up glamping tents. Later, we would like to renovate one of the old houses and convert it into a gîte.
What will the collection be used for?
How can you help us realise our dream?
At the moment, only the Libea association offers activities and this will continue to exist, but we are planning to set up an agricultural enterprise (EARL EOLEN). To get off to a good start, you can help us buy our first stock of breeding horses. This way we can prove to the bank that our project is well thought out, realisable, supported by a large community and long term!
We are therefore planning to buy five horses that fulfil our breeding goal from breeders. We also need to include veterinary checks and the transport of the horses to Brittany.
Budget required: € 25,000
We need a total of €25,000, divided into three pillars: 1. first pillar: €9,000.
- Veterinary inspection and transport of the horses to Brittany: € 5,000. - 1 young horse of riding age
2nd second pillar: € 15,000.
- 1 broodmare
- 1 young horse at the age of 2 years
- 1 young horse at the age of breaking in.
- Veterinary inspection and transport of the horses to Brittany.
3rd third pillar: € 25,000.
- 1 already covered broodmare for breeding - 1 young horse for breeding
Alternative payment methods
If you are uncomfortable with online payments or bank transfers, we also accept donations by cheque:
Tabea Kannengiesser
215 Route du Keralan 29570 Roscanvel
You are helping us to bring the Ferme Eolen to life. We are infinitely grateful
for your help - it means the world to us and our horses.
Lisa & Tabea
Pour 20 euros ou plus
Carte Postale
Carte postale avec une dédicace et des remerciements personnalisés
septembre 2024
Choisie 8 fois
Pour 30 euros ou plus
Autocollant LIBEA pour la voiture
Autocollant DIN A5 pour la voiture par exemple, avec notre logo « Tölteur des vagues ».
septembre 2024
Choisie 10 fois
Coup de
Pour 50 euros ou plus
Webinaire Bien-Être Cheval
Webinaire pour le bien-être du cheval ! Apprends les bases de la science équine sur : Garde des chevaux, l'alimentation, les soins, les maladies, les premiers secours et bien plus encore ! De plus, le webinaire d'environ 1h sera suivi d'une séance de questions/réponses avec nous deux, au cours de laquelle tu pourras nous poser toutes tes questions !
juillet 2024
Choisie 6 fois
Pour 75 euros ou plus
Calendrier illustré
Un calendrier pour l'année 2025 avec de nombreuses et belles photos et illustrations de notre animal préféré : le cheval islandais. + la carte postale + l'autocollant
octobre 2024
Choisie 4 fois
Pour 100 euros ou plus
Conscious Horsewalk
Vivez le moment présent avec votre cheval en vous promenant dans la nature bretonne ! Que tu aies de l'expérience ou non, le but de cette rencontre est simplement de créer un souvenir avec le cheval dans la nature. Après un petit check-in en groupe, nous partons pour environ 90 min à pied avec les chevaux dans la nature, en percevant précisément l'instant avec tous nos sens et en apprenant à être plus présent dans l'ici et maintenant et à réfléchir à certaines situations. Créez un souvenir qui vous enrichira à long terme !
Choisie 10 fois
Pour 150 euros ou plus
Analyse de vidéo et webinaire
Envoie-nous une vidéo d'entraînement d'une durée d'environ 20 minutes ainsi qu'une question spécifique à ce sujet et reçois en retour une analyse détaillée par e-mail de notre part. Plus le webinaire : Bien-être cheval
Pour 200 euros ou plus
Cours d'équitation en ligne
Nous te donnons une heure de cours d'équitation en ligne ou envoie-nous ta vidéo d'entraînement et nous t'appellerons, nous regarderons la vidéo ensemble et te rendrons une analyse détaillée et répondrons à toutes tes questions.
Choisie 2 fois
Pour 300 euros ou plus
Accès au "Journal de bord du jeune cheval"
Tu nous permets d'acheter nos premiers jeunes chevaux que nous formons pour les revendre ? Alors nous te permettons de nous regarder faire ! Tu auras accès pendant un an aux vidéos d'entraînement des deux chevaux que nous pourrons acquérir grâce au crowdfunding. Tu pourras ainsi regarder par-dessus notre épaule et nous observer pas à pas lors du débourrage des jeunes chevaux. Chaque semaine, nous mettons en ligne deux nouvelles vidéos d'entraînement non coupées. Plus une séance de questions/réponses avec nous deux, au cours de laquelle tu pourras nous poser toutes tes questions !
Pour 700 euros ou plus
Randonnée de 3 jours
Découvrons ensemble à cheval les magnifiques environs de la Bretagne ! En trois jours, nous ferons un joli tour à cheval en partant de la ferme et en empruntant de beaux chemins jusqu'à la plage. Deux nuits et demi-pension incluses !
Choisie 1 fois
Pour 1 200 euros ou plus
l'invitation à notre cérémonie d'ouverture
Viens à notre cérémonie d'ouverture de la ferme EOLEN. À cette occasion, tu pourras devenir la marraine d'un de nos premiers poulains, choisir son nom et recevoir régulièrement des mises à jour ou tu peux planter un petit arbre avec une pancarte dans notre ferme. Inclus une nuit et demi-pension. En plus 1 an d'accès au "Journal de bord du jeune cheval", le webinaire un cours d'équitation (sur place ou en ligne), la carte postale, le calendrier et l'autocollant.
Pour 2 000 euros ou plus
Séjour "cheval et mer"
Profite d'une semaine de vacances dans notre ferme. Tu peux choisir entre des cours d'équitation, des promenades à cheval, du travail au sol ou même une randonnée de plusieurs jours. Hébergement et repas inclus.
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sur les réseaux sociaux @miimosa_fr pour continuer de soutenir le projet et son porteur.