EnPleineTerre : Lieu de ressourcement au cœur de la nature
Lora, Lary & David

Don avec contrepartie
Un corps de ferme et ses 5 000m2 de terre pour prendre soin de la nature sous toutes ses formes en rentrant en cohésion avec elle.
Prévinquières, France
12 998 €
Projet financé !
Le 20 septembre 2022
En soutenant ce projet, vous oeuvrez pour :
ENGLISH EnPleineTerre - A getaway in the heart of nature
EnPleineTerre: A place of healing in the heart of nature
A farmhouse with 5000m2 permaculture land to take care of, and reconnect with nature in all of its forms.
by Lora, Lary & David
Couffins, Prévinquières, France

«A wake-up call»
We are a family and following the complete remission of Michel’s liver cancer (end-state) by natural/alternative means, our perception of the world and life itself has changed. No longer bearing to see ourselves participating (unconsciously for sure) in the destruction of our planet and its beautiful nature from our vantage point of illusory comfort of over-consumption, we decided to give up everything and regroup in the region of Aveyron, to live a life more in keeping with our freshly gained awareness.
Being artists, musicians, singers, painters, wood – and earth workers, cooks, and also sensitive to alternative wellness and health practices, we wanted to find a place where we could bring together all of our interests and passions in order to feel fully alive and at the service of our fellow human beings.

« From Burgundy to Aveyron »
And so we landed in a small hamlet in the area of Prévinquières, right in the heart of Aveyron. We bought a part of a farmhouse with 5000m2 of land to re-purpose for permaculture and to offer – on site and locally at first – organic fruit and vegetable baskets as well as other products that the farm and our cooking talents allow us to manufacture with love. It is also made up of a dwelling house and two barns all of which need renovation in order to develop our project.

We took on the challenge to revive this hamlet by connecting with its inhabitants, bringing along our enthusiasm, joie de vivre and support and by creating a welcoming place where the doors are always open and the mission is to celebrate life, nature and humanity.
This is how our project “EnPleineTerre” (~On open ground) was born.

The Farm consists of a dwelling house, three outbuildings and a wood-burning oven (completely ruined at present).
Everything needs renovation for our project to be developed. We decided to start with the main house so as to have a solid basis to start from.
For a detailed tour of the premises
Click on the video thumbnail to watch the video on our youtube channel >>>
It is a true challenge and we are overjoyed to “revitalize” a place which doesn’t deserve to be abandoned!
Voila, EnPleineTerre
sums up as follows:
- The production of high quality fruits and vegetables and fresh, handcrafted, organic products.
- Musical, educational and formative events in all areas around taking care of oneself, others and nature for adults and kids alike...
- A place to revitalize for everyone, where you can do everything and nothing, following the whims and needs of life.
- An ever evolving place to meet, share and support each other.
« A getaway for everyone »
As you may have guessed, we wiObviously pledges can be made without collecting a reward, but to show our gratitude, we thought of a few things to make the pledges more enticing and to repay the favour in person.sh for this place to become a getaway for everyone, a small corner of paradise where to regenerate, to relax, be active or idle, simply to be alive.
We plan to offer a large selection of conferences, small concerts, workshops and our own production of fruits, vegetables and other handcrafted products. Besides nourishing the farm and its visitors (you), we will be offering fruit and veggie baskets or the possibility to come and pick it yourself for those living close by, if the seasons are plenty!
What is this fundraiser for?
We hereby make an appeal to all those who are touched or affected by our initiative.
This fundraiser is a glimpse of hope, to be able to collect a high enough portion to consider the purchase of the second part of the farm, as well as the renovation of the place in general, in order to establish the «EnPleineTerre» project.
We are aware that a considerable sum is needed, which is why we have subdivided our end goal into tiers, so as to be able to collect the sum of the first, second or third tier even if the end goal should not been reached. Because for the sake of this life-project, we will need your help, as small as it may be, more than ever, no matter what.

Obviously pledges can be made without collecting a reward, but to show our gratitude, we thought of a few things to make the pledges more enticing and to repay the favour in person.

For 10€ or more:
Small Basket of goodies
*Our deepest gratitude*
A small fruit and veggie basket or something home-made from the farm (Syrup, Jam, Olive Oil, Seeds...)
+ your name on the barn wall.

For 30€ or more:
A moment together
*Our deepest gratitude*
An afternoon on the farm its surroundings with us and some home-made refreshments.
+ your name on the barn wall.

For 50€ or more:
Energetic treatment/Night in a tent
*Our deepest gratitude*
An energetic treatment with Lora, either on-site or remotely accompanied by home-made refreshments/A night in a tent on-site with a on the house meal.
+ your name on the barn wall.
*This option can be individually adapted within our possibilities.
For 70€ or more:
Music workshop
*Our deepest gratitude*
A workshop all around the Handpan with David or one of the smaller pledge rewards
+ your name on the barn wall.
*This option can be individually adapted within our possibilities.

For 100€ or more:
A night on the farm EnPleineTerre
*Our deepest gratitude*
A night on the farm with breakfast and lunch + extra (Small Basket/Moment together...)
+ your name on the barn wall.
*This option can be individually adapted within our possibilities.

For 200€ or more:
A night and a meal during an event
*Our deepest gratitude*
A night on site with a meal during an event of your choice (workshop, conference, concert...) + extra (Small Basket/Moment together...)
+ your name on the barn wall.
*This option can be individually adapted within our possibilities.

For 400€ or more:
A private concert at your place
*Our deepest gratitude*
In a radius of up to 250km from us. For any further distances, solutions will have to be negotiated.
+ your name on the barn wall.
*This option can be individually adapted within our possibilities.
- If you don’t wish to donate online, you can send a check to following address:
Famille Lambert
Lieu-dit Couffins
12350 Prévinquières
If you want to get in touch directly for any inquiries or support for this project:
Famille.landberht@gmail.com Tel: 0033(0)650450491
You can be sure of us sending our most sincere gratitude. Whether you can help us or not, we hope our paths will cross here, or elsewhere.
We would like to thank the MiiMOSA platform, allowing us to put out this fundraiser, and particularly Sarah, who helped and encouraged us with this project.
Let love be your guide wherever you go, be alive and happy. In the end, that is all that matters!
- from all of us
If you want to keep up with our adventures, you can follow us on Instagram and on our Youtube channel.
Pour 10 euros ou plus
Un petit panier
*Nos plus sincères remerciements* Un petit panier de légumes ou une confection de la ferme (sirop, confiture, huile d’olive, semences...) + son nom inscrit sur les murs de la grange.
Choisie 27 fois
Pour 30 euros ou plus
Un instant convivial
*Nos plus sincères remerciements* Une après-midi à la ferme et ses environs avec un instant entre nous autour d'un jus frais maison + son nom inscrit sur les murs de la grange.
Choisie 8 fois
Pour 50 euros ou plus
Au choix : Un soin ou la tente dans le jardin.
*Nos plus sincères remerciements* Une séance “soin” énergétique avec Lora en présentiel ou à distance accompagné d'un thé/jus frais maison / ou une nuit de camping en tente sur le terrain de la ferme avec repas offert. + Son nom inscrit sur les murs de la grange * Cette contrepartie peut être adaptée aux souhaits de chacun dans la mesure du possible.
Choisie 24 fois
Pour 70 euros ou plus
Atelier musique
*Nos plus sincères remerciements* Un atelier de musique autour du « Handpan » avec David ou une contrepartie proposée dans les montants inférieurs + son nom inscrit sur les murs de la grange. * Cette contrepartie peut être adaptée aux souhaits de chacun dans la mesure du possible.
Pour 100 euros ou plus
Une nuit EnPleineTerre
*Nos plus sincères remerciements* Une nuit sur le lieu avec petit déjeuner et déjeuner + extra (petit panier ou instant convivial...) + son nom inscrit sur les murs de la grange. * Cette contrepartie peut être adaptée aux souhaits de chacun dans la mesure du possible.
Choisie 13 fois
Pour 200 euros ou plus
Une nuit, un repas et un évènement.
*Nos plus sincères remerciements* Une nuit sur le lieu avec un repas lors d’un événement de votre choix (atelier, conférence, concert...) + extra (petit panier ou instant convivial) + son nom inscrit sur les murs de la grange. * Cette contrepartie peut être adaptée aux souhaits de chacun dans la mesure du possible.
Choisie 7 fois
Pour 400 euros ou plus
Un concert privé chez vous.
*Nos plus sincères remerciements* On se déplace à la limite de 250 km de chez nous et pour les plus lointains nous trouverons un arrangement... :) + son nom inscrit sur les murs de la grange.
Choisie 1 fois
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