Pour plus de viandes végétales dans nos repas…


Life Loving Foods® / AVBM SAS


Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour le lancement de nos hamburgers riches en protéines végétales pour notre santé et notre planète !


10 Rue de Penthièvre, Paris, France



127 préventes

sur un objectif de 100

Projet financé !

Le 23 septembre 2019

English version

For more plant meats in our meals ..



We need your help to launch our rich in plant protein hamburgers for our health and our planet!

In preparing a study for a grilled meat fast-food service, several years ago, I visited many food industry trade shows. I discovered the many ingredients and techniques used to improve the taste, texture and other properties of meats. This know-how combined with a desire for innovation in the agri-food industry was the starting point for this project!

Life Loving Foods is a project born with the mission to offer delicious recipes rich in plant proteins. We want our plant burgers and plant meats to be delicious, nutritious, tasty, textured, functional, sustainable and environmentally friendly. But above all, we want you to enjoy them and choose to include them into your meals.

Our project was a finalist at several plant protein competitions in Europe and we were awarded the Prot'eat award last year in the plant protein foods category. You can read more about it and watch videos at the following link.



We became members of the Vitagora network and we completed the ToasterLab acceleration program which enabled us to improve and perfect our technical and commercial know-how.


We have just finished developing and perfecting a beef burger style recipe and we need to receive feedback and comments from consumers and to fund our first large-scale production and marketing campaign.

We rely on spices, seasonings as well as natural and plant-based flavors to provide the delicious taste that consumers expect when they choose our products. We make them rich in protein and include additional ingredients to make them as nutritious as possible.

Our recipes are dry state mixes composed of dehydrated ingredients. They are just add water recipes which eliminates the need for additives or preservatives. It is our choice of ingredients that allows us to make our products textured and functional. They provide all the necessary elements that, once hydrated and prepared, will produce the desired results.

Because we love food, our mission is to provide the most delicious, nutritious, healthy and functional meal experience possible. This is our main mission but not our only mission.

Because we love life, we also try to make our products the most sustainable and environmentally friendly possible. Being entirely plant based makes them sustainable. Being dry state makes them ecological and environmentally friendly by reducing their transportation weight and transportation volume and allows for storage at room temperature and a long shelf life of more than 12 months.


The funds raised will enable us to finance our first large-scale production of our new rich in plant protein Burger mix.

This will also allow us to receive feedback on the taste, texture and overall appeal of our product.


Additional funds will enable us to finance the promotion of our product in sales outlets and food industry shows and exhibitions.


Pour 10 euros ou plus

2 x Saveur Nature 150g / 2 x Plain Flavor 150g

2 x Saveur Nature façon hachées 150g - Poids net : 60g/2.0oz - Recette pour 150g // 2 x Plain flavor minced style 150g - Net weight: 60g/2.0oz - Recipe makes 150g // Livraison France & Monde inclus. - France & World Wide Shipping included.


août 2019



Choisie 1 fois

Pour 15 euros ou plus

Option # 1

Jusqu'à 5 x produits petit format (recette pour 150g) au choix parmi Saveur Nature, Grecque, Libanaise, Indienne ou Turque. // Up to 5 x products small format (recipe for 150g) from amongst our Flavors of Plain, Greek, Lebanese, Indian and Turkish. // Livraison France & Monde inclus. - France & World Wide Shipping included.



Choisie 3 fois

Pour 25 euros ou plus

Option # 2

Jusqu'à 10 x produits petit format (recette pour 150g) au choix parmi Saveur Nature, Grecque, Libanaise, Indienne ou Turque. // Up to 10 x products small format (recipe for 150g) from amongst our Flavors of Plain, Greek, Lebanese, Indian and Turkish. // Livraison France & Monde inclus. - France & World Wide Shipping included.



Choisie 7 fois

Pour 30 euros ou plus

Option # 3

Jusqu'à 5 x produits grand format (recette pour 450g) au choix parmi Saveur Nature, Grecque, Libanaise, Indienne ou Turque. // Up to 5 x products large format (recipe for 450g) from amongst our Flavors of Plain, Greek, Lebanese, Indian and Turkish. // Livraison France & Monde inclus. - France & World Wide Shipping included.



Pour 40 euros ou plus

Option # 4

Jusqu'à 10 x produits grand format (recette pour 450g) au choix parmi Saveur Nature, Grecque, Libanaise, Indienne ou Turque. // Up to 10 x products large format (recipe for 450g) from amongst our Flavors of Plain, Greek, Lebanese, Indian and Turkish. // Livraison France & Monde inclus. - France & World Wide Shipping included.



Choisie 4 fois


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sur les réseaux sociaux @miimosa_fr pour continuer de soutenir le projet et son porteur.


Prêt rémunéré


Installation d'un site de méthanisation sur la côte normande

Ressources naturelles

Énergies renouvelables

Réduction des déchets

300 410 € collectés

Objectif 360 000 €


SAS Agri Littoral

Gouville-sur-Mer, France